Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adapt work to the men

In other words, the health and the safety of the workers aim all the aspects of the social, psychic wellbeing and physics of the workers.To guarantee the safety and the health of the workers, it is necessary that the employers like the employees collaborate and take part in programs of health and safety, concerning with the occupational medicine, the occupational hygiene, toxicology, the formation, the safety of the machines, ergonomics, psychology, etc

One attaches often less importance to the questions which relate to the health of the workers than to the security issues because it is often more difficult to solve them. However, when one deals with health, one also deals with safety, because a healthy work environment is by definition also a sure environment. However, the reverse is not necessarily true. A work station can be sure without being necessarily healthy. It is important to deal as well with the health as of safety on all the work places. As a whole, the definition of health and safety of the workers given above recover health as well as safety in the most general context.

Bad work conditions are reflected on the health and the safety of the workers

* Bad work conditions, whatever their nature, can have effects on health and safety of the workers.
* It is not only in the factories that one meets unhealthy or dangerous work conditions; they can exist anywhere, whether it is inside or in the open air. For many workers like the farmers or the minors, the work place is natural environment and it can present many health risks and safety.
Bad work conditions can be also reflected on the environment in which the worker lives, because much of workers live and work at the same place. That means that the occupational hazards can have harmful effects on the workers, their family and the other members of the community, like on the physical environment around the work place. The traditional example is that of the use of the pesticides in the agricultural work. The workers can be exposed with toxic chemicals in various ways when they Epandent pesticides: they can inhale the products during spreading and afterwards, absorb them by the skin or introduce them if they eat, smoke or drink without washing the hands or if the drink water were contaminated. The members of their family can also be exposed various ways: they can inhale the pesticides which remain suspended in the air, drinking of contaminated water or being exposed to the residues which can remain on clothing of the workers. The other members of the community can also be thus exposed. When the chemicals are absorbed in the ground or contaminate subterranean water, the negative effect on natural environment can be permanent.

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