Tuesday, March 24, 2009


All the levels of the framing must regard health and safety as a priority. They must show it while going on the building sites and workshops to speak with the workers about their concerns and to observe the work methods and the equipment. On each work place, the lines of responsibility must be clear and the workers must know who is responsible for the various health questions and safety. The workers often test health issues related to work and do not realize there, in particular for example at the first stages of an occupational disease. In addition to the other more obvious advantages of the formation, like the acquisition of competences, the recognition of the risks, etc, a training program detailed on each work place will help the workers with:

* to recognize the first signs or symptoms of an occupational disease before this one does not become chronic;
* to evaluate their work environment;
* to insist that the direction takes measures before dangerous conditions do not appear.

Points to be retained in connection with the importance of the formation

A complete programme of instruction in safety and to health on each work place, in addition to its obvious utility, will help the workers to recognize the first signs or symptoms of occupational diseases before they become permanent, to evaluate their work environment and to insist that the direction takes measures before dangerous conditions do not appear. Role of delegated to health and safety The delegate with health and safety must prevent the problems, i.e. to take initiatives before the dangers are concretized to prevent that the workers are exposed to occupational hazards. For that, it should be made so that the direction eliminates the risks or the control when they cannot be eliminated.

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