Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Noisy machines

Textile worker them hard-working of the textiles are exposed to various problems. Firstly, from many machines are not protected and there is a fire hazard due to the great quantity of combustible materials which are on the work place. Secondly, there are the problems of noise and vibration. Lastly, the workers are exposed to the dust released by the fabrics, which can have serious effects on the lungs. The exposure to the cotton dust can cause an occupational disease known under the name of byssinosis. Driver of tractor - One of the most serious problems with the tractors is that they can be easily reversed, and if there is no arch of safety the driver can be crushed. The other problems are in particular the noise, the vibrations and the exposure to the weedkillers and pesticides chemical when they are pulverized by the tractor.

Agricultural worker - During the pulverization of the cultures, the worker can be exposed with the dangerous chemicals. Many pesticides and weedkillers which were prohibited in certain countries because of their toxic effects are still employed in many developing country. If pulverization is made when there is wind, the worker is likely to inhale the product, which can also damage the skin or be absorbed via the skin.

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