Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Health safety

Health safety, the position of the trade unions is to make so that work is made less dangereous because of a modification of the work station and methods. That means that the solution consists in eliminating the risks and not to try to adapt the workers to dangerous conditions. To oblige the workers to wear protective clothing unsuited to the climate of the area is an example of what one should not do, i.e. to force the workers to adapt to unhealthy or dangerous conditions, and it is a means for the employer of withdrawing itself from his responsibility by transferring it to the worker.

It matters that the trade unions affirm this position, because in the event of accident, it is very frequent that the employers show the worker of negligence. This attitude implies that work could be less dangerous if the workers modified their behavior or if the employers engaged only of the workers who never make errors. Everyone made of the errors, it is in the human nature, but the workers should not pay their errors of their life. It is not enough to sensitize the workers with the security issues so that the accidents disappear. Sensitizing can be useful, but it does not remove the dangerous methods or work conditions. The most effective prevention of the accidents and the diseases starts at the stage of the development of the methods and the design of the work station. To work out a program of health and effective safety, it is essential that the framing engages and that the workers take part in the effort in order to create and to preserve a healthy and sure work place. The executives should be concerned with all the dangers related to the work and not only of those which are mentioned by the regulation.

All the levels of the framing must regard health and safety as a priority. They must show it while going on the building sites and workshops to speak with the workers about their concerns and to observe the work methods and the equipment. On each work place, the lines of responsibility must be clear and the workers must know who is responsible for the various health questions and safety. The workers often test health issues related to work and do not realize there, in particular for example at the first stages of an occupational disease.

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