Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Work place

It is very often difficult to determine the cause of a disease related to work. That is due in particular to the latency period, i.e. with the fact that it is necessary sometimes several years before the disease produces an obvious effect on health of the worker. When the disease is diagnosed, it can be too late to do something or to find with which substances the worker was exposed in the past. Other factors like the fact of changing employment or behaviors such as the nicotinism or the consumption of alcohol make that it is even more difficult to establish a bond between the exposure at the risk on the work place and a disease.

One knows certain occupational hazards better today that in the past, but each year new chemicals and new technologies appear which present a new risk and sometimes unknown for the workers and the community. These new and unknown risks present great difficulties for the workers, the employers, the teachers and the researchers, i.e. for all those which are concerned with health of the workers and effects that the disease-causing agents have on the environment.

Points to be retained in connection with the extent of the problem in the world
It occurs at least 120 million occupational accidents each year in the world, of which at least 200 000 are mortals.
The accidents fatal are more frequent in the developing countries than in the industrialized countries, which underlines the need for programs of education stressing the prevention.
Certain occupational diseases are known since many years and assign the workers in various ways. They always pose a problem in certain areas of the world.
The effective number of diseases related to work in the developing countries is much higher than the notified number.
The number of cases and the diversity of the occupational diseases increase as well in the developing countries as in the industrialized countries.
It is often difficult to identify the cause of the diseases or occupational accidents.

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