Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Driver of tractor

The risks on the work place can take various forms: chemical, physical, biological, psychological, ergonomic, etc Because of the multitude of these risks and owing to the fact that many employers neglect health and safety, the accidents and occupational diseases are still a serious problem in all the areas of the world. Consequently, the trade unions must insist that the employers fight against the dangers with the source and do not force the workers to adapt to dangerous conditions.

The engagement of the framing and a strong participation of the workers are two essential components for the effectiveness of any health and safety program on the work place. The most effective prevention of the accidents and the diseases starts as of the development of the work methods.Exercise. Identification of the dangers on the work placeFor this exercise, ask the trainees to work in small groups of two or three. Give to each group several images which are in the text. You will need also a table with mobile sheets or some large sheets of paper fixed at the wall and felts or for a black board and chalks.

The images hereafter illustrate various work places on which one can meet various dangers. Ask the trainees to examine them and imagine which kinds of problems can exist in each case. Write the answers on the table for each situation of work. Some of the principal dangers associated with each one of these trades are indicated further.

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