Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Create the risks

An almost unlimited number of risks can be present on almost any work place. There are obviously dangerous work conditions, like the open type machines, the slipping grounds or the insufficiency of the precautions against the fire, but there are also more insidious risks, less obvious, such as:

* chemical risks (exposure to liquids, solids, dust, vapors and gases);
* physical risks such as noise, vibrations, bad lighting, radiations and temperatures extreme;
* biological risks such as bacteria, viruses, waste infected and infestations;
* psychological risks (stress);
* risks related to the non-application of the principles of ergonomics, for example badly designed machines, machines and tools, unsuited seats and work stations or badly conceived work methods.

The majority of the workers are exposed to several of these risks. For example, it is not difficult to imagine a work place where one is simultaneously exposed with chemicals, with open type machines and noisy, with high temperatures, slipping grounds, etc Pensez of your own work place. Does it present risks? The workers do not create the risks - in many cases the risks are related to the work station. Health safety, the position of the trade unions is to make so that work is made less dangereous because of a modification of the work station and methods. That means that the solution consists in eliminating the risks and not to try to adapt the workers to dangerous conditions. To oblige the workers to wear protective clothing unsuited to the climate of the area is an example of what one should not do, i.e. to force the workers to adapt to unhealthy or dangerous conditions, and it is a means for the employer of withdrawing itself from his responsibility by transferring it to the worker.It matters that the trade unions affirm this position, because in the event of accident, it is very frequent that the employers show the worker of negligence.

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